Implementazione di un Driver MIPS per l'Interfacciamento di un Tastierino Alfanumerico


Scrivere nel linguaggio assembly del processore MIPS il driver per collegare un tastierino alfanumerico.

Il registro di stato RS e il registro dati RD dell'interfaccia hanno la seguente struttura:

  • RS (8 bit): [R IE X X X X X X], dove R indica il bit di ready, IE il bit di Interrupt Enable.
  • RD (16 bit): [ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ], con MSB a sinistra e LSB a destra.

Si suppone che:

  • Quando viene premuto un tasto, l'interfaccia scriva in RD il dato fornito dal tastierino e asserisca il bit R.
  • Quando viene letto il contenuto di RD, l'interfaccia deasserisca il bit R.
  • La sincronizzazione debba avvenire da programma.

### Task Breakdown

1. **Registers:**

   - **RS (8-bit status register):** 

     - Bit 7: Ready (R)

     - Bit 6: Interrupt Enable (IE)

   - **RD (16-bit data register):**

     - Contains the data from the keypad.

2. **Assumptions:**

   - When a key is pressed, the interface writes the data from the keypad to `RD` and sets the `R` bit in `RS`.

   - When the content of `RD` is read, the interface clears the `R` bit.

   - Initially, `R = 0`.

   - Synchronization must be handled by the program.

### Steps to Implement

1. Poll the `RS` register to check if the `R` bit is set.

2. If the `R` bit is set, read the data from `RD`.

3. Clear the `R` bit by reading `RD`.

4. Repeat the process.

### MIPS Assembly Code

Below is the MIPS assembly code that accomplishes this:



RS:    .byte 0x00          # Status register RS initialized to 0

RD:    .half 0x0000        # Data register RD initialized to 0



    # Base addresses for RS and RD registers

    la   $t0, RS          # Load address of RS into $t0

    la   $t1, RD          # Load address of RD into $t1


    lb   $t2, 0($t0)      # Load byte from RS into $t2

    andi $t2, $t2, 0x80   # Mask to isolate the R bit (bit 7)

    beq  $t2, $zero, polling_loop # If R bit is not set, keep polling

    lh   $t3, 0($t1)      # Load halfword from RD into $t3 (read data)


    # Clear the R bit by reading RD, automatically handled by hardware

    # Assuming the R bit clears when RD is read, if not, we might need additional steps

    # Here we assume it clears by the hardware automatically as per the problem statement

    j    polling_loop     # Repeat the polling process


### Explanation

- **Data Section:**

  - `RS` and `RD` registers are declared and initialized.

- **Text Section:**

  - The main polling loop continuously checks if the `R` bit is set in the `RS` register.

  - When the `R` bit is set, the code reads the data from the `RD` register.

  - After reading `RD`, the hardware is assumed to clear the `R` bit as per the problem statement.

  - The process repeats indefinitely in the polling loop.

This assembly code will keep checking for input from the keypad, read it when available, and handle the synchronization as required.
